
Average score 304 Reviews
Gabi V. noted on Google

Déjeuner rapide et bon accueil. La gérante est très sympa. Bo bun ok, poulet pas très bon et il manquait les herbes fraîches et le vrai goût des sauces vietnamiennes. (Translated by Google) Quick lunch and good welcome. The manager is very nice. Bo bun ok, chicken not very good and it lacked the fresh herbs and the real taste of Vietnamese sauces.

2 months ago
dr cuzin noted on Google

2 months ago
Valérie Corbel noted on Google

2 months ago
Christine DA LAGE noted on Google

Nourriture excellente et conseils avisés (Translated by Google) Excellent food and good advice

2 months ago
j ponthus noted on Google

Très bonne qualité du repas (Translated by Google) Very good quality of meal

3 months ago
Olivier NAQUIN noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very cozy place, good welcome, delicious meal, fair price to really try (Original) Lieu très cosi , bon accueil repas délicieux, prix correct à tester vraiment

3 months ago
jennifer tedesco noted on Google

3 months ago
emmanuelle icard noted on Google

(Translated by Google) A generous and very tasty poke bowl, made with fresh produce, I really enjoyed it! (Original) Un poke bowl généreux et très savoureux, fait avec des produits frais, je me suis régalée !

3 months ago
guy neyran noted on Google

3 months ago
Xerri Christophe noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Food is excellent, even better than in Thailand!! It's even better than there! and the service is attentive and friendly. (Original) Food is excellent, even better than in Thailand !! C'est encore meilleur que là bas ! et le service est attentif et sympathique.

3 months ago

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166 Montée de Choulans
69005 Lyon, France

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